Where is your eye led?
Does your eye travel around the form?
Is there a focal point?
Do you focus or stop at one point or does your eye travel?
Is it symmetrical or asymmetrical?
Have you dealt with the form from all angles?
Does it have a front back and sides?
Have you made use of negative space?
Does the negative space relate to the form?
Is the form visually interesting/ dynamic/ exciting?
Does it invite the viewer to take a closer look?
How does light and shadow affect the form?
How is the form presented? Does it look anchored to the surface?
Does the handling of the form (craftsmanship/ technique) compliment or interfere with it visually?
Is the form visually balanced?
Does the form work as a whole?
Does one area seem out of character with the rest (unity)?
Do areas relate? By size, shape, proportion, texture, etc.?
What is the strongest component?
What is the weakest?