Sunday, 19 August 2012

Stages of Clay

1. Slip-watered down clay in a muddy form. Can be used to attach two pieces of leather hard clay (like a glue)

2. Plastic-workable stage; can recycle; can join to other pieces 

3. Leather-hard-stiff and will hold its shape; can be joined to other pieces using slip; carve into; recycle 

4. Bone dry- very fragile; cannot be repaired if broken; can't attach more clay, can recycle; ready for firing

5. Bisqueware-fired once in kiln; can not be recycled; glazing stage 

Investigation Homework

Paste 5 images of wheel thrown mugs that you feel are visually strong. Annotate next to each image, why you feel it is visually strong. (Search potters webpages, google images for wheel thrown mugs,....)
Consider the following questions:
  • How has the surface been dealt with? Did the potter use throwing or incised lines as decorative elements?
  • How does the handle relate to the form?
  • How doe the rim relate to the handle/foot/form?

Friday, 10 August 2012

Invention of the pottery wheel

Why did the Sumerians have a need to increase pottery production?
The Sumerians built embankments to control the flood waters of the Euphrates River. Gradually they drained the marshes and dug irrigation canals and ditches. The rich soil produced an abundance of crops. Eventually there was a surplus to feed city workers such as artists, craftsmen, and merchants.
  • "Specialization" became more widely practiced
  • Fertile land yielded a surplus of crops
  • Population increase (villages became cities)
  • Containers were needed for moving and storing food
  • Trade became widespread

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Thematic Art- Industry and "?"

Artists often consider themes when developing ideas.
Combine the “industry” with a second theme of your choice (i.e. Industry and marriage) Develop a sculpture that illustrates the combination.
 Your sculpture should imply function of some sort. Consider incorporating gears, bolts, screws, springs, wires, switches, pulleys,…. 
Sketchbook Activity:
-          Paste 10 different images of machines and machine parts into your sketchbook and 10 images relating to the theme you will be merging.
-          Create 10 different sketches of a sculpture or vessel by combining the above imagery you’ve collected
-          Select one and create 3 additional sketches to further push your ideas
-          18 inches maximum in height
-          Sculpture must be based on the theme "Industry" and filtered with a self-chosen theme.
-          The form must contain mechanical components and
-          The surface must be stained, glazed or poly-chromed
- Investigate and develop an idea based on a theme
- Use the clay extruder
- create tubes / cylinders using the a dowel wrap process
- identify works be John Brickels
- learn how artists get their ideas/inspiration
- create a faux surface using a scumbling technique
Richard Notkin
John Brickels
EarthMatters: An Indo-Korean

InKo Centre in association with Arts Council Korea, Kalakshetra Foundation and Lalit Kala Akademi, is delighted to present a unique Indo-Korean Ceramic residency project that will bring together 12 ceramic artists - 6 each from India and Korea - in a 4 week residency in Chennai. (12 January to 12 February 2012)

It will be followed by an Indo-Korean Ceramic Exhibition at Lalit Kala Akademi, Chennai from 14-23 February 2012.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

-10 images of African Masks (include the tribe name)
- a minimum of 5 sketches based on your selected imagery